Bridget Moynahan, who has portrayed Erin Reagan on Blue Bloods since its debut, recently opened up about the bittersweet conclusion of the beloved series. In a heartfelt reflection, Moynahan shared her gratitude for the years spent with the cast and crew, calling them her “second family.” She spoke about the challenges and triumphs of working on a show that not only entertained millions but also tackled meaningful themes about family, justice, and loyalty. For Moynahan, saying goodbye to a role and colleagues she deeply cherishes has been an emotional journey.
As she looks back on her time with Blue Bloods, Moynahan expressed her pride in the show’s enduring legacy and the impact it has had on fans worldwide. While the end of the series marks the closing of a significant chapter in her career, she remains optimistic about what lies ahead. Reflecting on the many lessons learned and memories created, Moynahan emphasized the profound gratitude she feels for the opportunity to have been part of a project that resonated so deeply with audiences for over a decade.