Before Sean Murray became widely known for his role as Timothy McGee on NCIS, he starred in a TV movie adaptation of the classic dystopian short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. Originally published in 1948, The Lottery explores a small town’s disturbing annual ritual, where the community selects a “winner” who is then stoned to death to ensure the town’s prosperity. Sean Murray played the role of the young, curious boy, Bobby Martin, in the 1996 TV adaptation, which brought Jackson’s chilling tale to life, highlighting the dark side of human nature and tradition.
Murray’s portrayal of Bobby in The Lottery marked an early career role that showcased his ability to handle complex and intense material, something that would later serve him well in his NCIS role. The film received attention for its eerie atmosphere and the moral questions it raised, while Murray’s performance demonstrated his potential to take on thought-provoking roles. This TV movie is often remembered by fans of dystopian fiction and is a notable part of Murray’s acting career before he gained fame on NCIS.