Donnie Wahlberg, known for his role as Detective Danny Reagan on Blue Bloods, has openly credited the show’s devoted fanbase for playing a crucial role in keeping the series alive over the years. Despite initial concerns about its longevity, Blue Bloods has thrived, reaching its 14th season in 2023. Wahlberg has acknowledged that the fans’ unwavering support and enthusiasm for the Reagan family’s story have been integral to the show’s enduring success, making it a staple of CBS programming. The passionate following, from social media campaigns to dedicated viewership, has helped keep the show relevant and a hit with both old and new audiences.
Wahlberg’s gratitude towards the fans is evident in interviews, where he often emphasizes how their loyalty contributes to the series’ continued renewal. He also recognizes how the audience’s connection with the characters—especially the Reagan family’s commitment to justice and family—has created a lasting bond that defies trends in television. This relationship between the fans and Blue Bloods has cultivated a unique dynamic where the viewers’ voice is just as important as the storytelling itself, making the show a true fan-driven success.