In the world of NCIS, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, portrayed by Mark Harmon, is a character with a fascinating backstory. As of the latest seasons of NCIS, Gibbs is about 60-65 years old, considering he was first introduced in 2003 as a seasoned agent. Throughout the series, we learn that Gibbs was born on November 21, 1954, which places his age around 70 during the 2024 calendar year. His age is integral to his role in the series, showcasing a man of experience, wisdom, and a commanding presence in the NCIS team.
As for the actors who portray these iconic characters, Mark Harmon, born on September 2, 1951, is now 73 years old. Meanwhile, Austin Stowell, who plays Gibbs’ younger counterpart, Special Agent Parker in NCIS: Origins, was born on December 19, 1984, making him 39 years old. These actors, representing two generations in the NCIS universe, bring distinct energy and depth to their roles, highlighting the contrast between Gibbs’ seasoned authority and Parker’s more youthful, adventurous approach to the job.