Scott Wolf, best known for his role as FBI agent Sebastian Lund on NCIS, has shared his surprise at still being recognized for his work on the show, even a decade after his final appearance. Despite the show’s immense success and his departure in 2014, Wolf continues to be approached by fans who remember his character fondly. The actor admits that the enduring popularity of NCIS and his role within it has left a lasting impact, and he never anticipated how much the show would continue to resonate with audiences long after his time on it.
In a recent interview, Wolf expressed how he is often approached in public by viewers who recall his contributions to the long-running series. He credits the show’s loyal fan base and the unique nature of NCIS for keeping it in the cultural spotlight. While Wolf has taken on various roles since his time on NCIS, the ongoing recognition serves as a testament to the lasting impression the show has left on both him and its dedicated viewers.