Pauley Perrette, best known for her role as the beloved forensic scientist Abby Sciuto on NCIS, shocked fans when she exited the CBS series after 15 seasons. While initial reports suggested she left to pursue other projects, Perrette later revealed deeper issues behind her departure. In a series of tweets, she hinted at “multiple physical assaults” on set, sparking concern among fans. Though she didn’t name anyone specifically, tensions between her and series lead Mark Harmon reportedly played a role, stemming from an alleged on-set incident involving Harmon’s dog.
Despite the controversy, Perrette has remained grateful for her time on NCIS and the love from her fans. Since leaving the show, she has stepped away from acting, focusing on philanthropy and personal endeavors. While many still hope for Abby’s return, Perrette has made it clear that she has closed that chapter of her life. Her legacy as one of the most iconic characters in NCIS history, however, remains stronger than ever.